Asia Risk Radio

Asia Risk Radio


Asia Risk Radio

Asia's only podcast focusing on the latest industry challenges within risk management

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Blake Evans-Pritchard

Bureau Chief, Asia

Asia Risk

Blake Evans-Pritchard is bureau chief, Asia, for based in Hong Kong. Before taking on his current role, he spent three years covering regulatory issues across Asia for, including implementation of Basel III and other international standards in regional jurisdictions. Previously, he spent five years in Brussels writing about the European Union’s financial services sector and competition policy and a number of years as Africa editor for a news service covering post-conflict restitution around the world.

Karen Lai

Regulations reporter

Chris Davis

Asia editor

Episode 2: Challenges of accessing central clearing in Asia

This episode will take a look at the challenges that US investors have in accessing central clearing within the Asia region because of regulatory restrictions imposed by their home regulator.

Blake Evans-Pritchard and Chris Davis will discuss more along with special guest speakers Dawn Stump, Commissioner at US Commodity Futures Trading Commissioner and Tetsuo Otashiro, Head of Clearing Planning Department at Japan Securities Clearing Corporation.

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Episode 1: ESG Data and Exposure to Climate Risk

Hong Kong asset managers fear that under rules proposed by the territory’s securities regulator, they will face a next-to-impossible task: disclosing their portfolios’ exposures to climate risk without knowing the climate performance of many companies in those portfolios.

Blake Evans-Pritchard and Karen Lai will discuss more in the first episode along with special guest speaker Tariq Fancy, ex-Chief Investment Officer, Sustainability Investing at BlackRock and Daryl Ho, Executive Director (Banking Policy) at Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

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