Bangkok Agenda

Programme for Future Risk & Fraud Forum

Dedicated agenda for risk, fraud & compliance professionals



14:00 - 15:00


Chairperson’s opening remarks

09:10 - 09:40

Peter Young

Head of event content, Apac

Asia Risk


Opening speech

00:00 - 00:01

Nutapone Apiluktoyanunt

Managing director, Thailand



Overview of trends in risk & compliance and financial crime

00:00 - 00:01

  • What have been regulatory developments around risk & compliance and financial crime?
  • Where are the areas that support is most needed for financial institutions?
  • What has the development of new technologies meant for financial institutions?
  • Outlook of risk and financial crime in 2024
Yojiro Yanagi

Head of risk management banking solutions, Asia-pacific


Head of Risk & Finance Advisory for Banking, Asia Pacific, SAS

Yojiro Yanagi leads the SAS Risk & Finance Advisory area for Banking in Asia Pacific. 
SAS Institute is a global leader in advanced analytics as well as risk management software
for the financial services sector. Yojiro leads a team of domain and technical experts driving 
the go-to-market strategy and supporting sales and delivery of the SAS portfolio of risk management 
solutions to customers across the region.

Yojiro has over 30 years’ experience in risk management technology including Stress Testing,
IFRS 9, Climate Risk, Basel IV, ALM, Model Risk Management, Risk Modelling and Operational Risk. 
Before joining SAS, Yojiro held positions with IBM and Sungard with a focus on consultancy services
and pre-sales support for market risk, credit risk and settlement solutions for capital markets.

Yojiro is a member of the Tokyo Risk Management Association steering committee and an alumni 
The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC),
a public interest incorporated foundation conducting research on diverse topics related to financial information systems

Ian Holmes

Global lead for enterprise fraud solutions, director



Networking break

11:10 - 11:30


Overview of technology priorities, trends, and predictions for risk & compliance and fraud

00:00 - 00:01

  • Updates around the latest technological innovations for risk & compliance and fraud
  • Where do resources need to go for financial institutions to develop better technology?
  • Outlook for 2024 in developments of new technologies and use cases
Jason Loh

Head of technology futures, global technology practice


Jason Loh is the Head of Technology Futures, SAS Global Technology Practice AP. He leads a team of experts to drive modernization strategies with the latest advancements in Data, Analytics & AI on the Cloud architecture for maximum productivity and help businesses thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.
Over the last decade in SAS, he support and advise customers across Asia Pacific to drive successful projects, from financial services, and government to high-tech companies and actively contributes to public conferences, industry panels and academia on various AI technology topics.


Practitioners’ perspective 2024: Challenges, priorities, and trends for risk & compliance and financial crime experts
Panel discussion

14:00 - 15:00

  • What are the greatest challenges around risk, compliance, and financial crime?  
  • What should the priorities be for financial institutions this year?  
  • How are financial institutions preparing for potential pain points?  
  • What are financial institutions most enthusiastic about in 2024? 
Ian Holmes

Global lead for enterprise fraud solutions, director


Luiza Karolina Rosinska

Country head, risk management

UOB Thailand

Senior Risk & Finance executive director, accomplished in demanding international environments, with 25 years of experience. Currently Head of Risk Management at UOB Thailand. Earlier, in various leadership roles in Thailand (TMB-Thanachart) and the Netherlands (ING Bank and BNP Paribas). Specialised in navigating though crisis situations, resolution of complex problems and overall risk management. Involved in multiple acquisitions and integrations. Passionate people manager and sustainability ambassador. She holds master degree in Finance and Banking and SCR (Sustainability & Climate Risk), GARP. 

Dr. Sanphet Sukhapesna

Head of integrated risk management

Kasikorn Bank

Mr.Sanphet Sukhapesna is currently the First Senior Vice President at Kasikornbank. His current responsibilities include establishing risk appetite statement/metric and risk limit as well as risk policies with the integration with strategic/business planning, and capital planning processes. He has been responsible for developing innovative transmission-mechanism analytics for scenario analytics/stress testing to better assess impact from unconventional systemic shock including recent pandemic crisis.  In addition, he has played crucial roles in developing innovative credit risk analytics and transforming end-to-end credit processes corresponding to customers increasingly relying on digital/mobile platforms. He is also responsible for preparing the bank’s readiness for new regulatory landscape including IFRS9 and the revision of Basel III.

Sanphet holds a Ph.D. in Industrial and Operations Engineering (Operations Research), M.S. in Financial Engineering, M.A. in Applied Economics from the University of Michigan, and M.Eng in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University.

George Tai

Regional sales director Asia Pacific, financial services industry


As part of the Global Financial Services Industry Sales team at Intel, George drives Financial Services Industry Transformation in the region (Japan, SEA, India, Taiwan, AUS) fostering partnerships in the Financial Services Industry ecosystem and advancing financial technology solutions through in-depth collaborations.  Together with Intel’s portfolio of Compute solutions, S/W frameworks and Artificial Intelligence technologies, the Intel Financial Services Industry team is tasked to drive innovation and technology scaling in the areas of Core Banking, High Frequency Trading, AI in Fraud, Money laundering detection, and security.

With over 15 years of sales enabling and business development, George engages with Banks, Governments and Technology providers to strategize and implement technology roadmaps to accelerate Banking digitization and transformation globally.

George is an alumni of the University of Waterloo, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2006, BaAS) and has completed a Specialization in Epidemiology for Public Health Practice at Johns Hopkins University.



10:35 - 11:05

Breakout sessions


Chairperson's opening remarks

00:00 - 00:01


From hype to action: banking trends and reality

09:00 - 10:00

The session will explore hot topics including alternative data, climate risk and AI/ML, to identify successful outcomes.

  • What can banks do now for climate risk
  • What alternative data is useful
  • Where has AI/ML delivered results
Naeem Siddiqi

Senior advisor, risk and quantitative solutions


Naeem Siddiqi is the author of Credit Risk Scorecards : Developing and Implementing Intelligent Credit Scoring, (Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005), Intelligent Credit Scoring : Building and Implementing Better Credit Risk Scorecards (Wiley and Sons, 2017), and various papers on credit risk topics.

Naeem meets with senior executives and decision makers from between 40-50 lenders globally each year, and provides strategic advice to them on areas such as the development and validation of credit scoring models, climate change risk, infrastructure planning for analytics, and retail credit risk strategy. He has also trained hundreds of bankers in over 25 countries on the art and science of credit scorecard development, and helps credit risk analysts develop better scorecards.

Naeem has an Honours Bachelor of Engineering from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of London, and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto.


What are the current challenges faced within credit risk management?
Panel discussion

14:00 - 15:00

  • Is climate risk affecting lending?
  • Has the AI hype delivered?
  • Provisions are increasing - how are you helping?
Naeem Siddiqi

Senior advisor, risk and quantitative solutions


Naeem Siddiqi is the author of Credit Risk Scorecards : Developing and Implementing Intelligent Credit Scoring, (Wiley and Sons, New York, 2005), Intelligent Credit Scoring : Building and Implementing Better Credit Risk Scorecards (Wiley and Sons, 2017), and various papers on credit risk topics.

Naeem meets with senior executives and decision makers from between 40-50 lenders globally each year, and provides strategic advice to them on areas such as the development and validation of credit scoring models, climate change risk, infrastructure planning for analytics, and retail credit risk strategy. He has also trained hundreds of bankers in over 25 countries on the art and science of credit scorecard development, and helps credit risk analysts develop better scorecards.

Naeem has an Honours Bachelor of Engineering from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of London, and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto.

Piyayut Chitchumnong

Principal Quant Risk Strategist


Piyayut Chitchumnong is a Principal Quant Risk Strategist at Krungsri, specializing in risk management within retail portfolios with a primary focus on IFRS9 models and stress testing methodologies. With a keen interest in climate risk management, Piyayut is currently leading the development of a robust climate stress test framework tailored for financial institutions.

Prior to joining Krungsri, Piyayut served as a Senior Economist at the Department of Agricultural Economics, a prestigious research agency operating under the Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives. In this role, he conducted extensive economic research, developed econometric models, and provided valuable insights into agricultural sector dynamics.

Piyayut holds dual master’s degrees; one in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics from Michigan State University, and another in International Economics and Finance from Chulalongkorn University. Additionally, he earned his undergraduate degree in Economics from Thammasat University.

Etelka Dallon

Head of retail risk management

TTB Bank

Etelka is a familiar face in Bangkok’s banking circles. Over the past decade, she has made Thailand her second home, immersing herself in its rich culture and dynamic business landscape.

As head of retail risk management at TTB Bank, she is at the forefront of banking innovation particularly in digital formula lending. Her expertise lies in risk modelling, scorecards, AI, analytics, provisioning and a slew of other risk management essentials with a passion in nurturing a positive and productive team environment.

Vasin Suntayodom

Head of risk analytics & decision engine credit risk department

Ascend Corp

In my current role as Head of Risk Analytics and Decision Engine at Ascend, I manage all of the credit risk aspects by reviewing and making adjustments to credit risk models & policies, when necessary, in order to ensure that businesses are in line with regulatory procedures.  This includes creating, developing, and maintaining credit risk models and alternative scorecards for credit risk portfolios. In addition, I also lead a team to develop and implement decision engine platforms across all business channels. Before joining Ascend, I worked at CIMB Thai as Head of Risk Modeling and Portfolio Analytic where I led the team to develop credit risk models, statistical rating models and judgmental rating models for both Retail and Non-Retail customers for the bank and its subsidiaries. Prior to joining CIMB Thai, I worked as Decision Analytic manager at Experian where I have worked on delivery of regulatory projects including Basel II and IFRS9 model validation covering a range of credit reports. In Thailand, our analytic services include both quantitative and qualitative IFRS9 validation in multiple major banks. In addition to that, I also provide a wide range of analytic consulting services for financial institutions on credit risk management including regulatory compliance, acquisition, and customer management strategies (A/B/C scores).

Regarding my educational background, I studied master and doctoral degrees in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts. My research focus is semi-parametric estimation and functional data analysis. Before joining University of Massachusetts, I earned two master’s degrees from University of Washington in Computational Finance & Risk Management and another one from University of York in Financial Mathematic. My undergraduate degree was in Economics from Chulalongkorn University. 


Networking break

11:10 - 11:30


Operational resilience: Sustainable risk management

14:00 - 15:00

  • The current state of risk management systems and their resiliency
  • How to adjust and adapt to the developments of new technologies
  • Constructing cohesive risk management systems
Yojiro Yanagi

Head of risk management banking solutions, Asia-pacific


Head of Risk & Finance Advisory for Banking, Asia Pacific, SAS

Yojiro Yanagi leads the SAS Risk & Finance Advisory area for Banking in Asia Pacific. 
SAS Institute is a global leader in advanced analytics as well as risk management software
for the financial services sector. Yojiro leads a team of domain and technical experts driving 
the go-to-market strategy and supporting sales and delivery of the SAS portfolio of risk management 
solutions to customers across the region.

Yojiro has over 30 years’ experience in risk management technology including Stress Testing,
IFRS 9, Climate Risk, Basel IV, ALM, Model Risk Management, Risk Modelling and Operational Risk. 
Before joining SAS, Yojiro held positions with IBM and Sungard with a focus on consultancy services
and pre-sales support for market risk, credit risk and settlement solutions for capital markets.

Yojiro is a member of the Tokyo Risk Management Association steering committee and an alumni 
The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC),
a public interest incorporated foundation conducting research on diverse topics related to financial information systems


Collating lessons learnt and moving forward
Recap session

00:00 - 00:01

  • What are the key takeaways for risk management?
  • How to move forward with new knowledge and practical considerations for risk management systems
  • Looking ahead to further developments and new innovations within risk
Queenie Wong

Director of customer advisory


Queenie is the Director of Customer Advisory for SAS ASEAN. She is responsible for creating awareness for the SAS offerings and solutions across different industries and working with customers and various stakeholders to improve the analytics adoption and operationalizing analytics.

Queenie focuses on solution sales leadership, building and supporting revenue growth, field enablement and sales support. As a leader, Queenie is responsible for driving SAS towards market expansion of their technology and applications into the mainstream, delivering strategic insight to C-level management, business users and IT across different industries.

Queenie has extensive experience in Enterprise Solutions, including Information Management, Enterprise System Management, and Governance Risk and Compliance. She has over 20 years of ICT experience in management, business development, solution management and consulting with customers and projects with the ASEAN region.

The key industries in which Queenie is actively involved include Banking and Insurance, Telecommunications, and Public Sector.


Chairperson’s closing remarks

14:00 - 15:00

  • Lucky draw
  • Gratitude


Chairperson’s opening remarks

09:00 - 09:10


The evolution of payments fraud within financial institutions

14:00 - 15:00

  • Updates and developments around payments fraud
  • Detecting payments fraud at the onset to prevent further losses
  • How to combat payments fraud with robust tools and systems 
Ian Holmes

Global lead for enterprise fraud solutions, director



What are the current pain points around detection and mitigation of fraud
Panel discussion

14:00 - 15:00

  • Where do compliance and financial crime professionals faulter in detection of fraud?
  • Observing patterns and anomalies with implementation of AI and machine learning
  • Improving user experiences for KYC without neglecting proper due diligence
  • Reducing the time throughout compliance and financial crime processes
Ian Holmes

Global lead for enterprise fraud solutions, director


Santipap Charasphaew

Head of legal and compliance


Santipap joined Bitazza, leading licensed digital assets broker under Thai SEC, in 2021.He is currently active in the role of Head of Legal and Compliance at Bitazza, where his main responsibility are focusing onleading his team in various tasks on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain matters in both Legal and Compliance aspect.

He began his 8-year practice in a variety of in-house positions in several industries such as Blockchain,Fintech, E-Payment (LianLian Global – licensed payment gateway company under Bank of Thailand),Venture Capital as well as one of Thailandʼs largest law firms (Baker McKenzie) Financial Services PracticeGroup, where his practice includes providing legal advice and analysis in connection with banking and finance, with a particular focus on fintech matters. Prior to joining Baker McKenzie , he has direct working experience in Fintech, Block-chain, and Technology at Everex (a global block-chain financial technology company) as the Group Legal Counsel. He was responsible for overseeing all legal matters for cross countries Group Company (Singapore, Thailand, and Myanmar). He provided legal advice and prepared legal documents on the financial platform for Payments, Remittances & Trade Finance projects for both the Bank of Thailand and the Central Bank of Myanmar. He has a knowledge expert for all related laws and regulations onIT, E-money, Digital Asset Business asset and Cryptocurrency in all Asian Region.He has also been speaker at various conferences/seminars on digital assets and crypto currency regulations,AI on Legal and Compliance perspectives E-commerce law and start up law.He has strong passion for Fintech, AI and Blockchain Technology with strong experiences in legal, compliance and application process in relation to corporate deals, company registration, legal research as well as legal memoranda for start ups across the region.

Christina Lam

Director of business development, financial services, Apj

Red Hat

Christina is leading the data and cloud initiatives from the financial services industry perspective at Red Hat and she is supporting emerging technologies across APAC, Japan, and Great China. Christina has over 20 years of experience in technology companies serving financial services clients in digital transformation, cloud migration, risk management, data, and analytics. She believes that great technologies can bring better security, better flexibility, better transparency, and better accountability


Networking break

11:10 - 11:30


Deep diving into how digital assets is changing the landscape of financial crime

14:00 - 15:00

  • How have digital assets created more challenges for financial crime professionals?
  • Understanding the digital assets ecosystem and tracking funds for mitigating risks
  • The need for cohesive financial crime systems to tackle the ways fraudsters are channelling stolen funds 
Ahmed Drissi




Collating lessons learnt and moving forward
Recap session

00:00 - 00:01

  • What are the key takeaways for compliance and financial crime?
  • Implementing new technologies and staying ahead of fraudsters
  • Bringing continuity to the financial crime systems in financial institutions
Ahmed Drissi




Chairperson’s closing remarks

14:00 - 15:00

  • Lucky draw
  • Gratitude