Day 3 agenda 2020

Day 3 agenda 2020


Agenda timing is in South Korea timezone (GMT+9)
Simultaneous interpretation in Korean will be provided.


Chairman’s welcoming remarks

10:00 - 11:00

Brian Roberts

Head of Exchange Traded Products


Brian Roberts, Head of Exchange Traded Products

As Head of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), Brian is responsible for the development and management of HKEX’s exchange traded funds (ETFs) and leveraged and inverse (L&I) products, focusing on market development, client engagement and investor education.  

Brian joined in 2015 and brings over 10 years of ETF development and leadership experience to HKEX. Prior to HKEX, Brian was at Vanguard, where he was most recently Head of ETF Product Development Asia, focusing on developing their global ETF business.  

Brian holds an undergraduate degree from Purdue University and an MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management.


羅博仁, 交易所買賣產品主管



羅博仁持有美國普渡大學(Purdue University)學士學位及美國雷鳥全球管理學院(Thunderbird School of Global Management)工商管理碩士學位。


브라이언 로버츠, 거래소상장지수상품(ETP) 총괄

홍콩거래소의 거래소상장지수상품(ETP)을 담당하고 있는 브라이언 브라이언 로버츠는 ETF및 레버리지/인버스(L&I) 상품의 개발과 관리를 총괄담당하며, 시장개발, 고객과 투자자 확보 및 교육 관련 업무에 주력하고 있습니다.   

브라이언 로버츠는 2015년에 홍콩거래소에 입사했으며, 10년 이상의 ETF 개발과 관리 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 홍콩거래소 입사 전에는 뱅가드(Vanguard)에서 아시아 ETF 상품개발부를 총괄하며 글로벌 ETF 비즈니스 개발 업무를 수행한 바 있습니다. 

학력사항으로는 퍼듀 대학 학사 학위와 썬더버드 경영대학원MBA학위가 있습니다. 


Panel: China outlook 2021: V-shaped recovery or a gradual rise

10:00 - 11:00

  • Will China’s economy return to full speed in 2021 or should investors expect an uneven recovery?
  • What are the opportunities in China’s economic reboot and the best strategy to ride the recovery?
  • What factors should investors be mindful of when they invest in China?
Chris Pigott | Moderator

Senior Vice President, Investor Services

Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH)

Chris Pigott is the Head of Hong Kong ETF Services at BBH and responsible for ETF business development in Hong Kong.  In addition, he manages Investor Services relationships throughout Asia.  He began his career with the Firm in 2005 in the Boston office.

In 2014, Chris was relocated to Hong Kong and was appointed as the Head of Greater China Service Delivery with responsibility for overseeing the Transfer Agency, Client Service, and the Global Tax functions in Hong Kong as well as Client Service in Beijing.

Prior to joining BBH's Hong Kong office, Chris held various leadership roles within the Client Service Group in Boston focusing on developing the Firm's global service model and servicing cross border funds distributed in Europe and Asia.

Chris holds a BA degree in Business Management from Eckerd College and received an MBA from The University of Rhode Island.  

Chan Young Kim


Premia Partners

Chan Young KIM, Director

Chanyoung Kim is a Director of the Sales & Distribution team at Premia Partners, a leading ETF manager in Hong Kong. Chanyoung has over 17 years of experience in the financial industry, including extensive experience driving sales and marketing for active, passive and systematic investment strategies. Prior to Premia Partners, Chanyoung was Head of ETF Sales for Samsung Asset Management at the headquarters in Korea, which is the leader in the Korean ETF market with an overwhelming market share. Before that Chanyoung was Senior Sales manager at Fidelity International in Korea, where he led coverage for various overseas investment solutions for both institutional and retail investors in Korea. Earlier in his career Chanyoung was a manager of managers at Mirae Asset Global Investments, where he was responsible for selecting asset management companies for major institutional investors in Korea. Chanyoung started as a marketing manager at CitiBank, specializing in Marketing Planning. Chanyoung holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and MBA degree from Yonsei University in Korea.  

김찬영 이사, 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀

김찬영 이사는 홍콩의 주요 ETF 운용사인 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀 소속으로 지난 17년 이상 액티브, 패시브 및 시스테마틱 투자 전략 세일즈 경력 등 자산운용업계 내 세일즈 및 마케팅 관련 다양한 경험을 쌓아왔습니다. 프리미아 파트너스 합류 전 김 이사는 삼성자산운용의 ETF 컨설팅팀을 이끌었으며, 피델리티 인터내셔널, 미래에셋자산운용 및 씨티은행에서 국내 주요 기관 투자자들과 리테일 투자자들에게 해외 투자 솔루션 제공, 재간접 운용 및 마케팅 기획 업무 등을 역임하였습니다.

김 이사는 한국 연세대학교에서 경영학 학사 및 MBA 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Jin Kim

Head of ETF Management

Mirae Asset Global Investments

Jin Kim is the Head of ETF Management at Mirae Asset Global Investments (HK) and overseas the firm’s investment functions of Hong Kong-listed ETFs. Prior to relocating to Hong Kong in 2016, Jin played a pivotal role in launching and managing a wide variety of Korea-listed ETFs in Seoul, since he joined Mirae Asset in 2010. Prior to joining Mirae Asset, Jin worked as Quantitative Equity Analyst at Korea Investment & Securities since 2008, where he performed quantitative analysis and factor-based investment researches for institutional clients.

Jin was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude from Pohang University of Science and Technology.

김진 팀장, 미래에셋자산운용(홍콩) ETF 운용팀

2016년부터 미래에셋자산운용 홍콩법인에서 ETF 운용을 담당하고 있는 김진 팀장은 홍콩법인 발령 전 2010년부터 미래에셋자산운용에서 다수 ETF 운용 및 신상품 출시 업무를 통해 운용업계 내 다양한 경험을 쌓았으며, 미래에셋자산운용 합류 전 한국투자증권 리서치 센터 계량분석팀에서 투자 분석 업무를 담당하였습니다.
김 팀장은 한국 포항공과대학교에서 공학 학사 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Kinger Lau

Chief China Equity Strategist, Macro Research

Goldman Sachs

Kinger is the chief China equity strategist in Macro Research, covering China onshore and offshore equities as well as China-linked markets in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Previously, he was on the Asia Pacific Strategy Research team. Kinger joined Goldman Sachs in 2004 and was named managing director in 2015. Kinger earned a Bachelor of Commerce, with honors, from the University of British Columbia and a master's degree in finance from the London School of Economics. He is a CFA charterholder and a certified public accountant.


Panel: Rebalancing growth in Asia

10:00 - 11:00

  • What are the new economic dimensions for Asian economies?
  • How to construct portfolios for the new economic dynamics using ETFs?
  • How can investors position portfolios to capture opportunities and mitigate risks?
Jason Lee | Moderator

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products


Jason, In-Gyu Lee

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products, HKEX
Jason Lee is Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), focusing on ETP market development, client engagement and investor education. Prior to HKEX, Jason has over 11 years of Institutional Sales experience as Sales & Distribution Director of Premia Partners and Head of Sales Department at China Merchants Securities International and Korea, covering QFII/RQFII, Stock Connect, H-shares and other financial products and services of Hong Kong and Mainland China financial markets. Jason holds a BA degree from Nankai University, can speak Korean, English and Mandarin.

이인규 이사

홍콩거래소 상장지수상품부
홍콩거래소의 상장지수상품부에서 ETF 시장 및 고객 개발 업무를 담당하고 있는 이인규 이사는 홍콩거래소 합류 전 중국 초상증권 홍콩 및 한국 법인과 홍콩계 ETF 운용사인 Premia Partners에서 중국 본토와 홍콩 자본시장의 다양한 금융상품 개발과 기관 세일즈 업무를 역임하였습니다.


李仁揆是香港交易所交易所買賣產品(ETP)副總裁,專注於ETP市場發展、客戶聯繫和投資者教育。在加入香港交易所之前,李仁揆擁有超過11年的機構銷售經驗,曾擔任Premia Partners的銷售和分銷總監以及招商證券國際全資子公司招商證券(韓國)的銷售部主管,主要負責QFII/RQFII,滬深港通,H股,以及香港和中國內地市場的其他金融產品及服務。李仁揆擁有南開大學的文學士學位,會說韓語,英語和普通話。

Chan Young Kim


Premia Partners

Chan Young KIM, Director

Chanyoung Kim is a Director of the Sales & Distribution team at Premia Partners, a leading ETF manager in Hong Kong. Chanyoung has over 17 years of experience in the financial industry, including extensive experience driving sales and marketing for active, passive and systematic investment strategies. Prior to Premia Partners, Chanyoung was Head of ETF Sales for Samsung Asset Management at the headquarters in Korea, which is the leader in the Korean ETF market with an overwhelming market share. Before that Chanyoung was Senior Sales manager at Fidelity International in Korea, where he led coverage for various overseas investment solutions for both institutional and retail investors in Korea. Earlier in his career Chanyoung was a manager of managers at Mirae Asset Global Investments, where he was responsible for selecting asset management companies for major institutional investors in Korea. Chanyoung started as a marketing manager at CitiBank, specializing in Marketing Planning. Chanyoung holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and MBA degree from Yonsei University in Korea.  

김찬영 이사, 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀

김찬영 이사는 홍콩의 주요 ETF 운용사인 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀 소속으로 지난 17년 이상 액티브, 패시브 및 시스테마틱 투자 전략 세일즈 경력 등 자산운용업계 내 세일즈 및 마케팅 관련 다양한 경험을 쌓아왔습니다. 프리미아 파트너스 합류 전 김 이사는 삼성자산운용의 ETF 컨설팅팀을 이끌었으며, 피델리티 인터내셔널, 미래에셋자산운용 및 씨티은행에서 국내 주요 기관 투자자들과 리테일 투자자들에게 해외 투자 솔루션 제공, 재간접 운용 및 마케팅 기획 업무 등을 역임하였습니다.

김 이사는 한국 연세대학교에서 경영학 학사 및 MBA 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Myung Je Park

Director, Head of North Asia Sales – iShares and Korea


Myung Je Park, Director, is Head of North Asia Sales – iShares and Korea. Myung Je is responsible for iShares institutional, wealth and asset management business in North Asia (China, Taiwan and Korea), working closely with BlackRock's client business teams in the region, based in Hong Kong. At the same time, Myung Je leads Korea sales teams partnering closely with Korea Client Business and BAS teams on iShares, traditional asset classes and alternative offerings in the local market and to grow the overall business.

Myung Je's service with the firm dates back to 2004, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers(MLIM), where he was responsible for institutional distribution and client education in Korea. Prior to joining BlackRock, Myung Je worked at Cho Hung Securities in Korea, responsible for equity related fixed income products sales covering institutional clients, based in Hong Kong. Before that, Myung Je worked as a research assistant covering Korean banking sector with the same firm.   

Myung Je earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Myong Ji University.


박명제, 상무, 블랙록자산운용

박명제 상무는 Head of iShares North Asia Sales(중국, 대만, 한국, Head of iShares 북아시아 영업부분) 로 근무중이며, 이와 동시에 BlackRock한국 영업부문 Head로서 전통자산, iShares, 대체투자자산 부문 등을 총괄하고 있음. 2004년부터 BlackRock에 근무했으며, 2004년-2014년 서울사무실, 2014년-현재까지 홍콩에서 근무중임. BlackRock 근무 이전에는 1998년 -2004년 조흥증권 투자분석팀, 국제금융팀 및 홍콩현지법인에서 근무함. 명지대학교 사학과 졸업.

Kiyong SEONG

Lead Asia Macro Strategist

Societe Generale

Kiyong joined SG in March 2018 with responsibility for covering interest rate markets in Asia. In this capacity he undertakes research on local markets covering macro strategy and investment recommendations. He has 20 years of broad, multi-asset class experience, at investment banks and asset managers across foreign exchange, equities and fixed income with various responsibilities of trader, portfolio manager and strategist. Prior to joining SG, he was an Asia Rates Strategist at Deutsche Bank after working at HSBC in the same capacity. Prior to these investment banking roles, he was fixed income strategist and equity portfolio manager at Samsung Asset Management. He holds an MIF degree from London Business School and a Bachelor degree from Yonsei University in Economics.


Presentation : Reshaping the cost equation

10:00 - 11:00

  • Why does location matter in maximising the investment returns in ETFs? 
  • How much can investors save by investing in Asian underlying in Asia vs. in the US?
  • How can investors access hidden ETF liquidity and achieve best execution in the Asian time zone? 
Heejung Kim

Institutional Trader

Flow Traders

Heejung Kim joined Flow Traders in 2017. As part of its institutional ETF trading team based in Hong Kong, Heejung is responsible for the relations with external counterparties and institutional investors across the APAC region, pricing globally listed ETFs in all asset classes. Prior to joining Flow Traders, Heejung worked at Deutsche Bank in London, managing the sales of its physical, swap and futures based ETFs / ETCs to institutional investors in Europe. Heejung holds a bachelor’s degree in Financial Economics from Columbia University in the City of New York.

김희중 이사, 플로우 트레이더스 기관 ETF 트레이딩팀
김희중 이사는 2017년 플로우 트레이더스의 ETF 기관 트레이더로 합류하여 한국 및 APAC 지역 기관 투자자들 및 다양한 시장 참여자들에게 글로벌 증시에 상장된 모든 자산군의 ETFs 거래에 필요한 유동성 제공 및 트레이딩 업무를 담당하고 있으며, 플로우 트레이더스 합류 전 도이치뱅크의 런던지사에서 영국 및 북유럽 기관 투자자들을 대상으로 ETF 세일즈 업무를 담당하였습니다. 
김 이사는 미국 컬럼비아대학교에서 금융경제학 학사 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Jason Lee

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products


Jason, In-Gyu Lee

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products, HKEX
Jason Lee is Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), focusing on ETP market development, client engagement and investor education. Prior to HKEX, Jason has over 11 years of Institutional Sales experience as Sales & Distribution Director of Premia Partners and Head of Sales Department at China Merchants Securities International and Korea, covering QFII/RQFII, Stock Connect, H-shares and other financial products and services of Hong Kong and Mainland China financial markets. Jason holds a BA degree from Nankai University, can speak Korean, English and Mandarin.

이인규 이사

홍콩거래소 상장지수상품부
홍콩거래소의 상장지수상품부에서 ETF 시장 및 고객 개발 업무를 담당하고 있는 이인규 이사는 홍콩거래소 합류 전 중국 초상증권 홍콩 및 한국 법인과 홍콩계 ETF 운용사인 Premia Partners에서 중국 본토와 홍콩 자본시장의 다양한 금융상품 개발과 기관 세일즈 업무를 역임하였습니다.


李仁揆是香港交易所交易所買賣產品(ETP)副總裁,專注於ETP市場發展、客戶聯繫和投資者教育。在加入香港交易所之前,李仁揆擁有超過11年的機構銷售經驗,曾擔任Premia Partners的銷售和分銷總監以及招商證券國際全資子公司招商證券(韓國)的銷售部主管,主要負責QFII/RQFII,滬深港通,H股,以及香港和中國內地市場的其他金融產品及服務。李仁揆擁有南開大學的文學士學位,會說韓語,英語和普通話。


Chairperson’s Closing Remarks

11:55 - 12:00

의제 타이밍은 한국 (GMT + 9)입니다.
한국어 동시 통역이 제공됩니다.


의장 환영사

10:00 - 11:00

Brian Roberts

Head of Exchange Traded Products


Brian Roberts, Head of Exchange Traded Products

As Head of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), Brian is responsible for the development and management of HKEX’s exchange traded funds (ETFs) and leveraged and inverse (L&I) products, focusing on market development, client engagement and investor education.  

Brian joined in 2015 and brings over 10 years of ETF development and leadership experience to HKEX. Prior to HKEX, Brian was at Vanguard, where he was most recently Head of ETF Product Development Asia, focusing on developing their global ETF business.  

Brian holds an undergraduate degree from Purdue University and an MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management.


羅博仁, 交易所買賣產品主管



羅博仁持有美國普渡大學(Purdue University)學士學位及美國雷鳥全球管理學院(Thunderbird School of Global Management)工商管理碩士學位。


브라이언 로버츠, 거래소상장지수상품(ETP) 총괄

홍콩거래소의 거래소상장지수상품(ETP)을 담당하고 있는 브라이언 브라이언 로버츠는 ETF및 레버리지/인버스(L&I) 상품의 개발과 관리를 총괄담당하며, 시장개발, 고객과 투자자 확보 및 교육 관련 업무에 주력하고 있습니다.   

브라이언 로버츠는 2015년에 홍콩거래소에 입사했으며, 10년 이상의 ETF 개발과 관리 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 홍콩거래소 입사 전에는 뱅가드(Vanguard)에서 아시아 ETF 상품개발부를 총괄하며 글로벌 ETF 비즈니스 개발 업무를 수행한 바 있습니다. 

학력사항으로는 퍼듀 대학 학사 학위와 썬더버드 경영대학원MBA학위가 있습니다. 


패널 - 2021년 중국 전망: V자 회복 또는 점진적 상승

10:00 - 11:00

  • 2021년 중국 경제는 빠르게 회복할 것인가 혹은 더딘 회복이 예상되는가?
  • 중국 경제의 회복 국면 속 투자 기회와  최적의 투자 전략은?
  • 중국 투자 시 유념해야 할 요소들은 무엇인가?
Chris Pigott | Moderator

Senior Vice President, Investor Services

Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH)

Chris Pigott is the Head of Hong Kong ETF Services at BBH and responsible for ETF business development in Hong Kong.  In addition, he manages Investor Services relationships throughout Asia.  He began his career with the Firm in 2005 in the Boston office.

In 2014, Chris was relocated to Hong Kong and was appointed as the Head of Greater China Service Delivery with responsibility for overseeing the Transfer Agency, Client Service, and the Global Tax functions in Hong Kong as well as Client Service in Beijing.

Prior to joining BBH's Hong Kong office, Chris held various leadership roles within the Client Service Group in Boston focusing on developing the Firm's global service model and servicing cross border funds distributed in Europe and Asia.

Chris holds a BA degree in Business Management from Eckerd College and received an MBA from The University of Rhode Island.  

Chan Young Kim


Premia Partners

Chan Young KIM, Director

Chanyoung Kim is a Director of the Sales & Distribution team at Premia Partners, a leading ETF manager in Hong Kong. Chanyoung has over 17 years of experience in the financial industry, including extensive experience driving sales and marketing for active, passive and systematic investment strategies. Prior to Premia Partners, Chanyoung was Head of ETF Sales for Samsung Asset Management at the headquarters in Korea, which is the leader in the Korean ETF market with an overwhelming market share. Before that Chanyoung was Senior Sales manager at Fidelity International in Korea, where he led coverage for various overseas investment solutions for both institutional and retail investors in Korea. Earlier in his career Chanyoung was a manager of managers at Mirae Asset Global Investments, where he was responsible for selecting asset management companies for major institutional investors in Korea. Chanyoung started as a marketing manager at CitiBank, specializing in Marketing Planning. Chanyoung holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and MBA degree from Yonsei University in Korea.  

김찬영 이사, 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀

김찬영 이사는 홍콩의 주요 ETF 운용사인 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀 소속으로 지난 17년 이상 액티브, 패시브 및 시스테마틱 투자 전략 세일즈 경력 등 자산운용업계 내 세일즈 및 마케팅 관련 다양한 경험을 쌓아왔습니다. 프리미아 파트너스 합류 전 김 이사는 삼성자산운용의 ETF 컨설팅팀을 이끌었으며, 피델리티 인터내셔널, 미래에셋자산운용 및 씨티은행에서 국내 주요 기관 투자자들과 리테일 투자자들에게 해외 투자 솔루션 제공, 재간접 운용 및 마케팅 기획 업무 등을 역임하였습니다.

김 이사는 한국 연세대학교에서 경영학 학사 및 MBA 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Jin Kim

Head of ETF Management

Mirae Asset Global Investments

Jin Kim is the Head of ETF Management at Mirae Asset Global Investments (HK) and overseas the firm’s investment functions of Hong Kong-listed ETFs. Prior to relocating to Hong Kong in 2016, Jin played a pivotal role in launching and managing a wide variety of Korea-listed ETFs in Seoul, since he joined Mirae Asset in 2010. Prior to joining Mirae Asset, Jin worked as Quantitative Equity Analyst at Korea Investment & Securities since 2008, where he performed quantitative analysis and factor-based investment researches for institutional clients.

Jin was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude from Pohang University of Science and Technology.

김진 팀장, 미래에셋자산운용(홍콩) ETF 운용팀

2016년부터 미래에셋자산운용 홍콩법인에서 ETF 운용을 담당하고 있는 김진 팀장은 홍콩법인 발령 전 2010년부터 미래에셋자산운용에서 다수 ETF 운용 및 신상품 출시 업무를 통해 운용업계 내 다양한 경험을 쌓았으며, 미래에셋자산운용 합류 전 한국투자증권 리서치 센터 계량분석팀에서 투자 분석 업무를 담당하였습니다.
김 팀장은 한국 포항공과대학교에서 공학 학사 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Kinger Lau

Chief China Equity Strategist, Macro Research

Goldman Sachs

Kinger is the chief China equity strategist in Macro Research, covering China onshore and offshore equities as well as China-linked markets in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Previously, he was on the Asia Pacific Strategy Research team. Kinger joined Goldman Sachs in 2004 and was named managing director in 2015. Kinger earned a Bachelor of Commerce, with honors, from the University of British Columbia and a master's degree in finance from the London School of Economics. He is a CFA charterholder and a certified public accountant.


패널: 아시아 성장의 재조정

10:00 - 11:00

  • 아시아 경제에 대한 새로운 경제적 관점은 무엇인가?
  • 새롭게 변화된 경제 국면에서 ETF를 활용한 최적의 투자 전략은?
  • 투자자들의 효율적인 포트폴리오 구성 및 리스크 완화 방안은?
Jason Lee | Moderator

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products


Jason, In-Gyu Lee

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products, HKEX
Jason Lee is Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), focusing on ETP market development, client engagement and investor education. Prior to HKEX, Jason has over 11 years of Institutional Sales experience as Sales & Distribution Director of Premia Partners and Head of Sales Department at China Merchants Securities International and Korea, covering QFII/RQFII, Stock Connect, H-shares and other financial products and services of Hong Kong and Mainland China financial markets. Jason holds a BA degree from Nankai University, can speak Korean, English and Mandarin.

이인규 이사

홍콩거래소 상장지수상품부
홍콩거래소의 상장지수상품부에서 ETF 시장 및 고객 개발 업무를 담당하고 있는 이인규 이사는 홍콩거래소 합류 전 중국 초상증권 홍콩 및 한국 법인과 홍콩계 ETF 운용사인 Premia Partners에서 중국 본토와 홍콩 자본시장의 다양한 금융상품 개발과 기관 세일즈 업무를 역임하였습니다.


李仁揆是香港交易所交易所買賣產品(ETP)副總裁,專注於ETP市場發展、客戶聯繫和投資者教育。在加入香港交易所之前,李仁揆擁有超過11年的機構銷售經驗,曾擔任Premia Partners的銷售和分銷總監以及招商證券國際全資子公司招商證券(韓國)的銷售部主管,主要負責QFII/RQFII,滬深港通,H股,以及香港和中國內地市場的其他金融產品及服務。李仁揆擁有南開大學的文學士學位,會說韓語,英語和普通話。

Chan Young Kim


Premia Partners

Chan Young KIM, Director

Chanyoung Kim is a Director of the Sales & Distribution team at Premia Partners, a leading ETF manager in Hong Kong. Chanyoung has over 17 years of experience in the financial industry, including extensive experience driving sales and marketing for active, passive and systematic investment strategies. Prior to Premia Partners, Chanyoung was Head of ETF Sales for Samsung Asset Management at the headquarters in Korea, which is the leader in the Korean ETF market with an overwhelming market share. Before that Chanyoung was Senior Sales manager at Fidelity International in Korea, where he led coverage for various overseas investment solutions for both institutional and retail investors in Korea. Earlier in his career Chanyoung was a manager of managers at Mirae Asset Global Investments, where he was responsible for selecting asset management companies for major institutional investors in Korea. Chanyoung started as a marketing manager at CitiBank, specializing in Marketing Planning. Chanyoung holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and MBA degree from Yonsei University in Korea.  

김찬영 이사, 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀

김찬영 이사는 홍콩의 주요 ETF 운용사인 프리미아 파트너스 세일즈팀 소속으로 지난 17년 이상 액티브, 패시브 및 시스테마틱 투자 전략 세일즈 경력 등 자산운용업계 내 세일즈 및 마케팅 관련 다양한 경험을 쌓아왔습니다. 프리미아 파트너스 합류 전 김 이사는 삼성자산운용의 ETF 컨설팅팀을 이끌었으며, 피델리티 인터내셔널, 미래에셋자산운용 및 씨티은행에서 국내 주요 기관 투자자들과 리테일 투자자들에게 해외 투자 솔루션 제공, 재간접 운용 및 마케팅 기획 업무 등을 역임하였습니다.

김 이사는 한국 연세대학교에서 경영학 학사 및 MBA 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Myung Je Park

Director, Head of North Asia Sales – iShares and Korea


Myung Je Park, Director, is Head of North Asia Sales – iShares and Korea. Myung Je is responsible for iShares institutional, wealth and asset management business in North Asia (China, Taiwan and Korea), working closely with BlackRock's client business teams in the region, based in Hong Kong. At the same time, Myung Je leads Korea sales teams partnering closely with Korea Client Business and BAS teams on iShares, traditional asset classes and alternative offerings in the local market and to grow the overall business.

Myung Je's service with the firm dates back to 2004, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers(MLIM), where he was responsible for institutional distribution and client education in Korea. Prior to joining BlackRock, Myung Je worked at Cho Hung Securities in Korea, responsible for equity related fixed income products sales covering institutional clients, based in Hong Kong. Before that, Myung Je worked as a research assistant covering Korean banking sector with the same firm.   

Myung Je earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from Myong Ji University.


박명제, 상무, 블랙록자산운용

박명제 상무는 Head of iShares North Asia Sales(중국, 대만, 한국, Head of iShares 북아시아 영업부분) 로 근무중이며, 이와 동시에 BlackRock한국 영업부문 Head로서 전통자산, iShares, 대체투자자산 부문 등을 총괄하고 있음. 2004년부터 BlackRock에 근무했으며, 2004년-2014년 서울사무실, 2014년-현재까지 홍콩에서 근무중임. BlackRock 근무 이전에는 1998년 -2004년 조흥증권 투자분석팀, 국제금융팀 및 홍콩현지법인에서 근무함. 명지대학교 사학과 졸업.

Kiyong SEONG

Lead Asia Macro Strategist

Societe Generale

Kiyong joined SG in March 2018 with responsibility for covering interest rate markets in Asia. In this capacity he undertakes research on local markets covering macro strategy and investment recommendations. He has 20 years of broad, multi-asset class experience, at investment banks and asset managers across foreign exchange, equities and fixed income with various responsibilities of trader, portfolio manager and strategist. Prior to joining SG, he was an Asia Rates Strategist at Deutsche Bank after working at HSBC in the same capacity. Prior to these investment banking roles, he was fixed income strategist and equity portfolio manager at Samsung Asset Management. He holds an MIF degree from London Business School and a Bachelor degree from Yonsei University in Economics.


발표 – ETF 거래 비용의 재고

10:25 - 11:10

  • ETF 투자 수익을 극대화하는 데 있어 ETF의 상장 지역이 중요한 이유?
  • 아시아 투자 시 미국 상장 ETF 대비 아시아 상장 ETF를 활용할 경우 비용을 얼마나 절감할 수 있는가?
  • ETF의 ‘숨겨진 유동성’에 대한 접근법과 아시아 시간대 최적의 ETF 트레이딩 전략은? 
Heejung Kim

Institutional Trader

Flow Traders

Heejung Kim joined Flow Traders in 2017. As part of its institutional ETF trading team based in Hong Kong, Heejung is responsible for the relations with external counterparties and institutional investors across the APAC region, pricing globally listed ETFs in all asset classes. Prior to joining Flow Traders, Heejung worked at Deutsche Bank in London, managing the sales of its physical, swap and futures based ETFs / ETCs to institutional investors in Europe. Heejung holds a bachelor’s degree in Financial Economics from Columbia University in the City of New York.

김희중 이사, 플로우 트레이더스 기관 ETF 트레이딩팀
김희중 이사는 2017년 플로우 트레이더스의 ETF 기관 트레이더로 합류하여 한국 및 APAC 지역 기관 투자자들 및 다양한 시장 참여자들에게 글로벌 증시에 상장된 모든 자산군의 ETFs 거래에 필요한 유동성 제공 및 트레이딩 업무를 담당하고 있으며, 플로우 트레이더스 합류 전 도이치뱅크의 런던지사에서 영국 및 북유럽 기관 투자자들을 대상으로 ETF 세일즈 업무를 담당하였습니다. 
김 이사는 미국 컬럼비아대학교에서 금융경제학 학사 학위를 취득하였습니다.

Jason Lee

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products


Jason, In-Gyu Lee

Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products, HKEX
Jason Lee is Vice President of HKEX Exchange Traded Products (ETPs), focusing on ETP market development, client engagement and investor education. Prior to HKEX, Jason has over 11 years of Institutional Sales experience as Sales & Distribution Director of Premia Partners and Head of Sales Department at China Merchants Securities International and Korea, covering QFII/RQFII, Stock Connect, H-shares and other financial products and services of Hong Kong and Mainland China financial markets. Jason holds a BA degree from Nankai University, can speak Korean, English and Mandarin.

이인규 이사

홍콩거래소 상장지수상품부
홍콩거래소의 상장지수상품부에서 ETF 시장 및 고객 개발 업무를 담당하고 있는 이인규 이사는 홍콩거래소 합류 전 중국 초상증권 홍콩 및 한국 법인과 홍콩계 ETF 운용사인 Premia Partners에서 중국 본토와 홍콩 자본시장의 다양한 금융상품 개발과 기관 세일즈 업무를 역임하였습니다.


李仁揆是香港交易所交易所買賣產品(ETP)副總裁,專注於ETP市場發展、客戶聯繫和投資者教育。在加入香港交易所之前,李仁揆擁有超過11年的機構銷售經驗,曾擔任Premia Partners的銷售和分銷總監以及招商證券國際全資子公司招商證券(韓國)的銷售部主管,主要負責QFII/RQFII,滬深港通,H股,以及香港和中國內地市場的其他金融產品及服務。李仁揆擁有南開大學的文學士學位,會說韓語,英語和普通話。


폐회 연설

11:55 - 12:00